On a family holidays to Stockholm, we visited the Swedish Museum of National Antiquities (aka Historical Museum or Historiska Museet in Swedish), located at Narvavägen 13–17, in the east side of Stockholm.

I have two things to say about this museum:

1/  It’s a great visit for kids and adults. It is spacious, well indicated, very diverse and has a wonderfully interactive approach.  Perhaps it helped that it was a beautifully sunny day, but the kids spent an hour alone in the courtyard where they made and ate their own bread à l’ancienne, had their fortunes told, waged pillow fights on a beam and shot arrows.  The whole musuem is a MUST VISIT for family goers.

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2/ Moving to the “business” point, after I tweeted my enjoyment of the museum, less than a day later, I received this message via Twitter:

LarsAmreus @mdial Glad u like our museum! Interactivity and kids visiting with adults are top priorities at Historiska museet.”

How many brands should take note of the impact of such a personalised follow-up.  This little 115 character message from Lars meant that (a) I felt noticed, (b) that the positive experience was prolonged beyond the actual visit, and (c) I felt like writing about it.  One day, it will just be a normal courtesy for the brand to thank its customers.  Today, it surprises.

Kudos to @LarsAmreus and the Historiska Museet!  (One quick suggestion: add Google Maps to the website)

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