One of my favourite topics and an under-discussed area in current life is sleep.
Over-discussed in day-to-day life and clearly missing in solutions: being tired. Especially on Friday’s, like today, you hear the inevitable sounds of relief of the upcoming weekend of repos and expressions such as “TGIF” (thank goodness it’s Friday).
If we all know we need sleep, one of the absolute craziest things about modern science is that we [top notch scientists included] still don’t know WHY we need to sleep. We also struggle to know how much sleep we actually NEED. We know when we are tired and are ready to sleep, but the amount we need is a mystery. And, even when we are sometimes exhausted, sleep may be elusive. The health considerations are inexact and subject to many unproven hypotheses. In my experience, performance (at work or in sports) during a day is not necessarily linked to the amount of sleep you have had the night before (although you would think it would be absolutely systematic).
In an ongoing effort to bring the topic to the fore, here is a link to a great article, detailing Why We Get Sleepy? And herewith some good tips from LiveScience on how to improve your sleep.
Please do share among your friends and come back to me with your thoughts!