Took a flight NYC-Paris last night overnight and it seemed that 50% of the passengers were just out of high school (group outing) and it was likely their first international trip by the sounds of the excitement, singing and hugging… Funny how you forget that feeling and became jaded, ornery and more! Their sense of enthusiasm was however infectious, if only tempered by the notion that their cackle might disrupt my sleep! But hats off to Air France for making my trip as peaceful as possible (got the free seat beside me, too!).
Another thing I must report: when I got down to the baggage carousel this morning, I was shocked because my suitcase (marked “priority,” but which generally means your bag gets put to the absolute back of the load by the charming CDG-take-it-on-themselves-to-equalize-everybody baggage handlers) came out first. Not only was it the first bag, but the solo bag to come out in the first few minutes. Chapeau.
Ah le bonheur du baggage prioritaire lié à la business ou à la first class.
Je suis rentré de Tokyo le mois dernier et après 12 heures de vol j’ai attendu 25 minutes ma valise.
Seul un club de golf acheté au Japon est sorti dans un délai normal.
Je propose de mettre en place un blog consommateur sur le sujet sur le site d’Air France…
C’est sur que c’est un sujet regulier! Je pense que cela serait tres moderne de la part d’Air France d l’accepter sur leur site! Sinon, juste un blog separé?
Bonjour de L.A. où j’y ai passé le week-end en route pour Maui…
Ton observation est «dead on»; l’enthousiasme on pourrait en parler longtemps…