Velib in Paris – Wheels are coming off…

The wheels are coming off the track for the Vélib bicycle programme in Paris, a subject I have been following since its inception. According to this BBC write-up (taken in turn from Le Parisien), the Parisians seem to have taken a little too much liberty with the vélo...

Wingsuit “Birdman” BASE Jumping

Ever heard of BASE jumping? I had not until I was sent this video (below). BASE stands for Building, Antenna, Span, Earth. To qualify for a BASE number, you need to have jumped off from all four locations. And, on a variation on a theme, you can add an aerodynamic...

BootB & Pratiks – Website Reviews

I have spent the morning looking at and rating two different “community” sites with different concepts: Bootb and Pratiks, with proof that not all sites are created equal. BOOTB – “unlimited creativity” I discovered a new...

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