Stanley Jordan influence

I have long been a fan of Stanley Jordan. Innovative two-handed finger-snapping guitar playing. I found this piece — via a blog called “Who Sucks” — with a scintillating rendition on guitar by Adam Fulara of Bach’s BWV 848. Don’t...

Led Zeppelin returns to the stage

In 1980, I remember very well how disappointed I was when Led Zeppelin’s Johnnie Bonham died. I had a ticket to Led Zeppelin’s open air concert in London which was subsequently cancelled. Well, that was the end of an era I thought. Of course, Led Zeppelin...

Virgin America Safety Announcement

Got turned on to this Virgin America safety announcement (below) via Rohit Bhargava’s Influential Marketing Blog in his post humouristically entitled: the 12 important things he himself learned reading his own blog. The title is deceiving as Rohit invited 12...

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