by Minter Dial | Jun 12, 2010 | Marketing, Travel
An out of town friend of mine recently told me about this very different kind of boutique hotel in Paris, called Mama Shelter. Isn’t it funny how, sometimes, it takes a tourist to tell you about your own city. First of all, Mama Shelter is a breakthrough name...
by Minter Dial | Aug 15, 2009 | Health, Marketing, Travel
As the world awaits for the onslaught of the swine flu [porcine flu, aka A(H1N1)], there are going to be evident winners and losers. The losers? Basically all of us: consumers, society at large and business (especially with poor cash flow), if the epidemic does come...
by Minter Dial | Aug 7, 2009 | Marketing
Notice any similarities? Looking up at this message board at CDG airport the other day, I could not help but notice the similarity in the logos of Copa Airlines and Continental Airlines. Dating back to a 1998 strategic alliance between these two companies (about which...
by Minter Dial | Jul 22, 2009 | Marketing, Travel
Have you ever spotted a spelling mistake on restaurant’s menu and wondered if you should tell the waiter? What about when you see an error on an official document or signpost? Wouldn’t it be handy if, right near by, there just happened to be a...
by Minter Dial | May 26, 2009 | Travel
At the airport of Marrakesh, Morocco, as we were leaving, I snapped this photograph (above) of the “official” sortie. The Passport Control desk has a sign above it in three languages. The French is given prime real estate. I trust the Arabic is spelt...