by Minter Dial | Dec 29, 2008 | Sports, Travel
A historical landmark built in 1912, the 5***** Manila Hotel is a “venue for big events and grand aspirations” as is emblazoned all over the place, including in each room over the television. As for our two nights, just before Christmas, it was not exactly...
by Minter Dial | Nov 12, 2008 | Politics
Obamania and other reflections on a Sunday morning The effect of the Obama victory overseas has been impressive. Much like the initial outpouring after September 11th, 2001, since November 5th, 2008, I have come across a newfound sense of support for the US from many...
by Minter Dial | Oct 24, 2008 | Business, Politics, Sports
Learning to think differently As a marketer, I am always on the lookout for people who think and act differently. A part of my gestalt, my personality, I associate with people who think differently. Sometimes, that means being the contrarian or the devil’s...
by Minter Dial | Oct 19, 2008 | Sports
Which do you think is the fastest racket game in the world? For many years, I have maintained that the 18th century game, Rackets (aka Racquets in American English), was the fastest racket game in the world. I have generally thrown in Jai Alai or Pelota Basque as...
by Minter Dial | Aug 24, 2008 | Sports
The Beijing 2008 Olympics have come to an end today Sunday, August 24th. It is hard to imagine that 303 events are crammed into the past 15 days. The kick-off and finale were works of art (if well ‘orchestrated’ in the most generous of terms). And, true to...