by Minter Dial | Jul 15, 2007 | Politics
I have noticed that overoptimism will often be criticized for idealism, while realism can be taken for negativism or even pessimism. This leaves a very narrow spectrum of allowable optimism in the Western culture. Certainly, pessimism is given a stiff shoulder. What...
by Minter Dial | Jul 14, 2007 | Sports
The greening of sports In the aftermath of Live Earth 7.7.07, it struck me that the sporting world could also take up the green cause in a more formal fashion. Live Earth apparently attracted an audience of 2 billion people. [As an aside, I would like to see some of...
by Minter Dial | Jul 10, 2007 | Travel
The Dial ’07 Summer Holidays, Lodging a Complaint — Part 3 of 3. After Club Med in Antalya, Turkey, we were ready for the thrill of adventure with a week-long trip, driving up to the Cappadocia region. Images of Chevy Chase in “Summer Vacation”...
by Minter Dial | Jul 8, 2007 | Sports
Even though I don’t have Canal+ (cable station in France), I was able to read the score line via BBC Sports Live and watch the end on a miniature screen. What a match. Federer found the resources to overcome his clay nemesis to make it his 5th consecutive...
by Minter Dial | Jul 7, 2007 | Health, Travel
The Dial ’07 Summer Holidays, Club Meditation — Part 1 of 3. After 5 times at a Club Med, I think we are now officially veteran ‘Gentils Membres’ (guests). Yes, admitting that we (2 adults, 2 kids) enjoy Club Med comes with all sorts of...