Trackback – another lesson in html

Blogger and trackback? Just not compatible (until read slowly the advice tendered on sites like Singpolyma and Andy Beard in the know and then you do some HTML hacking of your own). Sometimes you wonder what goes on behind the scenes when a technology and a company...

The future of money… RIP up the Cheque

When I see that the cheque is basically on its way out of existence in the UK — Boots, WH Smith, Asda, Morrison’s and now the London Underground are all banning the cheque for payment — I got to wondering about the future of money and currency. In...

O 2 Marry a Geek

Well, what goes around comes around. I enjoyed this BBC story about how geeks are the new highly sought-after prospective husbands in India. Notwithstanding, of course, the old fashioned component of the practice, it is still funny to see that the Geek is the new...

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