Left-handed people are my kind of people

Being left handed is a minority problem (estimated up to 15%). I am not left-handed, but it is a characteristic that I systematically notice in people (I have never managed to detect left-eyed fish – see ABC report). When my wife asked me what image or...

Luxury prisons – rent your cell

I was quite titillated by an IHT article last week (April 30) entitled “For $82 a day, a cozier way to do hard time.” This article opened my eyes to the concept of how wealthier prisoners in certain California prisons (ex Santa Ana) are able and allowed to...

Coming of Age – L’Age a Venir

La chaine Arte a passé une émission très intéressante hier soir concernant le vieillissement de l’Europe (sans oublier la Russie où en plus l’espérance de vie est en train de chuter). L’émission projetait la société en 2030. Voir http://www.arte.tv/ Entre...

Freedom — another view?

Furrowing through an old newspaper lying about (“thelondonpaper” 21 Feb 2007), I read an article entitled “Pupil loses veil battle.” This polemic subject (integrating Muslims in Western cultures) is certainly grounds for much heated debate and...

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