by Minter Dial | Sep 3, 2008 | Politics
Xavier Darcos, France’s Education Minister announced the giving of free [correction] English lessons over the summer months (starting next year) to willing students. What a shift in direction for the French who tend to promote francophonie. See here for the BBC...
by Minter Dial | Aug 27, 2008 | Business, Politics
The kick off of the MEDEF’s Université d’Ete 2008 “Voir en Grand / Think Big” was made this afternoon at the Polytechnique campus outside of Paris. Laurence Parisot, President of the MEDEF, introduced his Majesty King Abdallah II of Jordan who...
by Minter Dial | Jun 5, 2008 | Education
What’s the difference between training and education? If you are in or interested in education, you should enjoy this explanation which I heard via Mitch Joel in his intro to Six Pixel’s of Separation podcast #104. Quoting a conference speaker Mitch heard...
by Minter Dial | Mar 11, 2008 | Politics
The Israeli President, Shimon Peres, was welcomed to Paris today with great pomp & circumstance. It was also with a great holdup in terms of traffic throughout large sections of the west side of Paris. Walking to the office, I was held up at a crossroads nearby...
by Minter Dial | Oct 17, 2007 | Sports
With a transport strike in Paris now underway, a breakdown with Blogger today (although it wasn’t exactly a strike, it almost felt like it) and the general strikeout by the Yankees (and maybe soon the Red Sox in the ALCS), it seems that strikes are in the air....