by Minter Dial | Nov 22, 2012 | Social Media
In my ongoing analysis of the Presidential campaigns, I thought I might stop and look at the Facebook page layouts that Romney and Obama had. Some good and bad points, in my opinion. Whether I am right or wrong, the major point of this post we must all...
by Minter Dial | Nov 20, 2012 | Social Media
You are your network With most of these social media networks, you can scope out who knows who with great ease. When you are on Facebook, it’s awfully fun (scary?) to see whom among your friends knows each other. But, on a whole other level, I think...
by Minter Dial | Nov 15, 2012 | Politics
In search of sense (not cents) After living through the most expensive Presidential campaign in the history of the world (not just the US), one has to scratch one’s head about the state of the democratic process. A whopping $1.057 billion was spent on ad...
by Minter Dial | Nov 12, 2012 | Social Media
Too tight to call? According to all the pre-Election media hype and poll results, the presidential elections in the US were “too tight to call” right up until the last minute. Yet, the final score in terms of electoral votes was a gaping 332 (62%) for...
by Minter Dial | Aug 21, 2012 | Social Media
Aside from the grand opening and closing shows, the resounding success of the whole event and overall excitement, the 2012 London Olympics were marked by three stand-out phenomena that all speak to an opening up of the world. Most notably, it was the first time that...