Getting even with tennis ranking systems

How good are you at tennis? When you set out to play tennis with a person whose level you have never seen, there exist multiple rating systems that are supposed to help render objective your level. Putting a number behind “how good are you?” makes a lot of...

Emoticons in the city of lights

Revel in this shot brought from Paris Daily Photos. Eric has a great sense of humour as well as a candid eye. From the 2nd arrondissement in Paris. Of course, if people actually stopped at red lights…

Taxi G7 – bande de voyous

Ce matin, passant par la rue Cambon 8è à Paris, j’ai retrouvé la rue bouchée par un camion. La longue queue de voitures indiquait que ça faisait bien des minutes qu’ils attendaient. Plusieurs voitures et taxis se sont mis à claxonner. Il y avait aussi 3...

Alain Delon on stage

Yendi (my stunning wife) and I went to see “Sur la Route de Madison” (French version of Bridges over Madison County) at the Marigny Theatre. I’d explain it more as: I went to watch Yendi watch Alain Delon… and, as it turned out, it was also...

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