P2P Limewire going, going…

With news via TechDirt that Limewire was tagged by the Recording Industry Assoc of America (RIAA) with a lawsuit and that Limewire has “negotiated” to stay alive using the Digital Rights Management (DRM) route, one could get the feeling that jaws is...

Emoticons in the city of lights

Revel in this shot brought from Paris Daily Photos. Eric has a great sense of humour as well as a candid eye. From the 2nd arrondissement in Paris. Of course, if people actually stopped at red lights…

Beauty in the eye of the software

Just as we have Unilever presenting the “real” woman with their Dove campaign, on the other end of the scale, we have digital retouching going democratic. In 2006, an Israeli firm launched a software to allow for perfect retouching of faces. Found this...

Trackback – another lesson in html

Blogger and trackback? Just not compatible (until read slowly the advice tendered on sites like Singpolyma and Andy Beard in the know and then you do some HTML hacking of your own). Sometimes you wonder what goes on behind the scenes when a technology and a company...

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