Minter Dialogue with Torsten Hoffmann This episode features the multifaceted filmmaker and techno optimist, Torsten Hoffmann. In this conversation, in time with the launch of his new documentary film, “Fortitude, Forging the trillion dollar space economy”...
Minter Dialogue with Dan Snow MBE Dan Snow is a historian, author, reputed oarsman, adventurer, Television presenter and entrepreneur, having founded and now successfully sold HistoryHit. In this conversation, we discuss the journey that took Dan from the creation of...
Minter Dialogue with Patrick Campbell Patrick Campbell is cofounder & CEO of ProfitWell and has seen inside more subscription and SaaS companies than anyone else in the world. By using their proprietary industry data on 8,000+ businesses, they help well-known...
An image or a video: which is more powerful? An image that speaks a thousand words? Or a moving image that talks a thousand images? Google Search has its own interpretation that you can read through the way it positions its tabs (i.e. in the navigation bar)....
In a world of cross channels and plethoric information and entertainment, the issue will ultimately come down to: why you? On the internet, everything can be everywhere multiple times over. But, why would yours stand out? This is where the power...