by Minter Dial | Nov 19, 2012 | Leadership
Do you get it? In these changing times and an evident sense of disorientation, we are quick to latch on to success stories. There is a certain urgency to get “it” as if there were a magic wand, single solution. We will want to draw lessons learned and...
by Minter Dial | Jul 26, 2012 | Social Media
As Facebook prepares for its first quarterly earnings (2Q) report (Yahoo News), Zuckerberg and Co. are going to be confronted with managing the third audience — shareholders — to whom all public companies need to communicate in a quarterly ritual. Aside...
by Minter Dial | Aug 29, 2008 | Business, Politics
Is the US still a Giant the right question? The plenary session of Wednesday evening August 27th at the MEDEF’s Université d’Ete was entitled: Is the USA still a Giant? And the star-filled panel gave a very vivid and resounding yes to the question, with...