by Minter Dial | Jan 13, 2008 | Marketing
China bans free bags! In a second post (“Getting rid of Plastic Bags” May 2007) on the topic, I read in the Herald Tribune with a mixture of satisfaction and curiosity about China’s intended policy to ban the giving out of free plastic bags in shops...
by Minter Dial | Jan 1, 2008 | Health
Glad to usher in a new year and, with it, the beginning of smoke-free hotels, bars and restaurants in Paris. But, as this BBC article explains, Paris is not the only place to take on new year resolutions. Eight German states, including Berlin and heavy drinking...
by Minter Dial | Nov 2, 2007 | Mobile
China is making progress up the Global Power Ranking if you count market caps. Chinese publicly traded companies are now dominating the top 10 list of biggest market capitalizations worldwide. A Le Figaro article of 30 October highlighted that 5 out of the top 10...
by Minter Dial | Sep 16, 2007 | Entertainment
For the latest fashion week in New York, the standout performance has been the pre- and post- tangle surrounding the Marc Jacobs Collection, shown on September 10th. Among other things, I was very impressed by the use of SMS by Jacobs’ Press team to alert...
by Minter Dial | Aug 23, 2007 | Politics
Technical complications? Bad luck? Bad press? It would appear that the BBC’s difficulties to be on the air (both on AM and FM) in Russia are more evidence of President Putin’s shutting down of the free press. As the IHT reports, these BBC problems come on...