Minter Dialogue Episode #295 Liz Bacelar is a renowned entrepreneur and speaker, at the cutting edge of fashion, retail and technology. Credited with driving the link between fashion and technology, Liz is a dynamic and forward-thinking entrepreneur, who founded and...
Minter Dialogue with Olivier Laborde Olivier Laborde is one of those unusual breeds of operational executives in a large well-known multinational who has also published a book, an award winner no less, Innovate or Disappear (in French, Innover ou...
Minter Dialogue with James Poulter James Poulter is the Senior Social Media Manager at LEGO, working on strategy and innovation for the beloved group. In this interview, we discuss the LEGO mission, how that plays out in the social media strategy, what are some of the...
Are you trying to make your business more entrepreneurial? This might mean translate into trying to become more agile, more innovative and/or more experimental? Many companies over the last few years have embarked on “programs” to render themselves...
If being “customer centric” is still being bandied about in boardrooms around the world, the reality is that most companies struggle to marry the mindset of “the customer is always right” with the quest for optimal profits. One of the ways to help galvanise an...