By now, you’ve surely heard of the Pokemon Go (PG) craze, right? If you haven’t, I suspect that means that (a) you’ve been on holidays in the boondocks, (b) you don’t have kids or (c) perhaps you snub all things digital? In any event, twenty...
I marvel how, in 2016, even in London, I still come across active people (i.e. not retired) who have decided to shun (at least a part of) the Internet. The key underlying issue is, of course, about privacy. No one in their right mind wants their private lives revealed...
I needed to use a Google logo in a presentation and wanted to update for the new logo (see right). So, what better circular activity than to google the new Google Logo? To my surprise, it actually took a little rummaging around in Google Images. Here are the results...
I’m still considering Google’s change of name to Alphabet. Yes, I’ve read the explanatory press release and many pundits’ opinions. Yes, I realize that Google has spawned businesses far removed from the familiar search engine/media platform we have come to know and...
I had the chance to attend the Global Editors Network Summit (2015), held in Barcelona. Founded and run by Bertrand Pecquerie, the GEN is now in its 5th edition and goes from strength to strength. [Full Disclosure: I also emceed the GEN Data Journalism Awards (DJA)...