Initially shown at Sundance Film Festival in January 2020, The Social Dilemma, a Netflix documentary-drama, was officially released September 9 2020. It’s been making a fair amount of noise online (ironically). And, surely, it’s a must see. IMDB has it...
It seems like not a day passes without hearing someone, somewhere give a call for greater transparency. But is it a good idea? One friend of mine laid out the belief that transparency is the end of hope. To the extent life is tough and humanity might be evil at its...
Minter Dialogue with Sam Charrington Sam Charrington is an industry analyst, specialized in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He’s also the host of the very successful podcast, TWiML & AI aka This Week in Machine Learning and AI. In this...
The Barbican has put on an exhibit entitled “AI: More than Human,” that runs from May 16 through August 26, 2019. I was lucky to be invited to a private viewing, with a close-up chat with one of the curators, Dr Suzanne Livingstone (the other curator being...
In a crowded world, companies of all sizes are having trouble standing out, much less carving out a territory. In a recent Duct Tape Marketing podcast, John Jantsch reiterated his long-employed tactic of “owning” a word. I fully subscribe. He talked about...