The Rugby Haka : Sports as dislocated battle ground

As we ramp up for the Rugby World Cup 2007, my first observation is that, perhaps because France will basically be on break for the months of July and August, there does not seem to be much warm up ‘buzz’ here. Cafe banter — French equivalent of...

Will Live Earth encourage the sports world to go green?

The greening of sports In the aftermath of Live Earth 7.7.07, it struck me that the sporting world could also take up the green cause in a more formal fashion. Live Earth apparently attracted an audience of 2 billion people. [As an aside, I would like to see some of...

For posterity’s sake

If you have ever thought of leaving some current day objects in a time capsule for discovery in the future, chances are that you underestimated nature. The story of this 1957 time capsule — including a car and various everyday items of the time — show that...

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