Minter Dialogue with Jeremiah Owyang Jeremiah Owyang is a renowned industry analyst based in Silicon Valley, who has a beat on emerging tech. He’s a General Partner at the Venture Capital outfit, Blitzscaling Ventures and a sought-after speaker. In this...
Announcing the release of Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence The second edition of Heartificial Empathy, that was first published in 2018, is about 50% longer than the first edition and roughly 70% modified. This revision was...
Minter Dialogue with John Jeffcock John Jeffcock is founder and CEO of Winmark, an EdTech business that includes 16 C-Suite networks with 700 multinationals across 18 countries. He’s also a decorated former captain in the British Army. We discuss his recently...
The other day, I was presented with a new start-up where the entrepreneur said he was going after a niche. The problem was that the niche was defined as everything to do with health — the entire health market. Even if you might ultimately have the ambition of a...
Minter Dialogue with Peter van der Putten Peter van der Putten, Director of Decisioning & AI Solutions at Pegasystems, a company that delivers innovative software designed to increase customer lifetime value, streamline service and boost efficiencies of their...