by Minter Dial | Mar 4, 2013 | Marketing
WIth my long-time love of words, especially when it comes to translation, I thought about how the French translate the word “timing.” The word the French use is “delai” or “delay.” How ironic! Certain words can have such a way of...
by Minter Dial | Mar 18, 2008 | Branding, Business, Marketing
Cars going on Green? Don’t you find it odd that, in today’s eco-sensitive world, a traffic light has a green light to “go?” Meanwhile, the automotive industry carries the stigma of being one of the most visible causes for global warming. Notwithstanding this notion,...
by Minter Dial | Feb 16, 2008 | Branding, Marketing, Social Media
In the wake of the social networking onslaught has come the wave of the more overtly commercial social shopping online concept. A combination of social networking and e-commerce, the concept is a consumer-centric version of Amazon, putting the shopper at the centre...
by Minter Dial | May 9, 2007 | Politics
Here is the first “thread” for this blog: Will Sarkozy be better or worse for relations between France and the USA (compared to Chirac)? And whom among the 2008 Presidential candidates in the USA will be his best complement? Voici un premier...
by Minter Dial | Mar 27, 2007 | Health
La chaine Arte a passé une émission très intéressante hier soir concernant le vieillissement de l’Europe (sans oublier la Russie où en plus l’espérance de vie est en train de chuter). L’émission projetait la société en 2030. Voir Entre...