3 keys to create a great user experience

From a user’s perspective, few are the sites or apps that provide a truly exceptional user experience. There are many reasons for this. Why is the user experience so poor? Trying to please all people The underlying architecture is out-dated The navigation is...

Design mindset – The problem with engineers

In an intense discussion I had with Roy Vella, an expert in mobile, we looked at the keys to successful design. Specifically, we started by talking about the challenges in designing the customer experience. We then went on to explore the issue of design creation,...

Wifi in store – To do and what not to do

For retail outlets looking to take the digital bulls by the horns, one of the actions I tend to recommend ‘wholesale’ is to offer free wifi in store. For certain types of outlets, wifi should be considered mandatory. At times, it seems inconceivable not to have wifi...

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