“There is almost total partisanship, both on the right and the left…. neither side talks to the other, and the divide just seems to be getting worse.” Does this sentence resonate at all? It was written by my great-grandfather, Nathaniel Barksdale...
Minter Dialogue with Holly Woods Holly Woods is a coach and consultant who works with visionary entrepreneurs and innovators who use their business as a vehicle to change the world. With a PhD in Human and Organizational Development, Holly’s a purpose activator...
Minter Dialogue with Theresa Caragol Theresa Caragol is CEO of AchieveUnite, providing leadership training programs that change lives. In this conversation with Theresa, we discuss her journey to become an influential woman in tech, her ACE leadership program, how to...
In a podcast interview I recently pre-recorded with Marie Miyashiro, one of the premier experts on empathy and author of The Empathy Factor, I was blessed with one of those a-ha! moments. In point of fact, my conversation with Marie made me aware of another important...
In the film business, it’s well-known that documentaries are no way to make money. Furthermore, a short film is not only near impossible to make money with, it’s very difficult to distribute, too. Then why, might you ask, would anyone want to make a short...