by Minter Dial | Nov 25, 2023 | Minter Dialogue, Podcast
A lucky day! Today, November 25th, marks the exact 13th birthday of my English podcast, Minter Dialogue. Truth be told, though, my English podcast is actually a tad younger than my French one. I began my French language podcast five months earlier (July 30th) with a...
by Minter Dial | Aug 27, 2014 | Marketing
Happ-eBirthdayOk, so this year was supposed to be a BIG one for me. I hit the half century. Before you feel a need to send in belated birthday greetings, I insist that the purpose of this birthday post is merely to use it as a bellweather for social media!...
by Minter Dial | Aug 18, 2013 | Social Media
Last year, August 2012, I recorded all the birthday greetings I received via the various channels and posted the details in this article on Myndset. This was not an exercise in self-aggrandisement and/or auto-flattery*. It was to see what and how people are...
by Minter Dial | Aug 27, 2012 | Branding
Which day of the year is the most popular day for birthdays? The answer is that it depends… on the country and culture in which you live, and specifically onthe season and temperature. It also seems to depend on the source! Data source:,...