by Minter Dial | Sep 24, 2013 | Mobile
Incoming!This battle cry could also sound appropriate for the barrage of ads and communications we receive. Our lives are polluted by the ‘incoming’ comms. Pretty much everywhere we go, we are under attack of some or other sollicitation....
by Minter Dial | Jul 23, 2013 | Mobile, New Tech
I wonder how many times an iPhone is dropped on average? How often do they fall on their sides, front, corner? How frequently do they break (broken down by sex, age…)? Speaking for myself, I drop my iPhone roughly twice a month. Half of the time, it’s a...
by Minter Dial | Jun 24, 2013 | Mobile
When looking at the ever evolving improvements made to the Gmail interface (my primary email client), I shudder when I think about the unprotected SMS inbox. As a consumer, we are basically defenceless. As such, the text message could become a digital...
by Minter Dial | Jan 27, 2013 | Marketing, Mobile
No, I am not talking the name you might give your iPhone. I am refering to the way your name gets changed automatically thanks to the spellchecker in iOS. The most common name for me is “Mintal” rather than “Minter.” Do you have an iOS name?...
by Minter Dial | Jul 3, 2012 | Mobile
Staying on top So many things are changing around us — especially on the internet where there are those who get different versions, are part of the beta testing or opt out — don’t you agree that it is hard to stay on top of things? Not only do...
by Minter Dial | Mar 14, 2012 | Mobile
For anyone who is interested in mobile learning (aka mLearning), I highly recommend taking a look this wonderful new mobile app. You don’t need to be a hairdresser to appreciate the quality of the experience. mLearning for professionals My good friends, Kris...