Where to buy/download Heartificial Empathy 2nd edition?
Heartificial Empathy 2nd edition is available in three formats:
- Paperback (RRP USD $19.95 / c. £16.00) on Amazon
- Ebook & Kindle version (RRP USD $14.99 / c. £12.00) with a wide selection of stores via Books To Read. Outlets in alphabetical order include: Apple, Baker & Taylor, Barnes & Noble, BorrowBox, cloudLibrary, Fable (new), Gardners, Hoopla (new), Rakuten Kobo, Odilo, OverDrive, Palace Marketplace, Smashwords, Thalia/Tolino, and Vivlio.
- And now as an audiobook on Audible and many other fine audiobook distributors (via Findaway Voices) such as Spotify, AudioBooksNow, Chirp, Barnes&Noble, Audiobooks.com, Storytel, Libro.fm. kobo (Rakuten), and now hoopla,
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About Heartificial Empathy, 2nd Edition
NEW! The 2nd and significantly expanded edition of Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence, is now out. Winner of the Maincrest Media Award 2024, Heartificial Empathy 2nd edition is a much needed book for leaders looking to navigate a difficult context, changing work conditions and a constantly evolving tech landscape. This new and augmented version of Heartificial Empathy, which is about 50% longer than the first edition written in 2018, features an update on the state of advancement on conversational AI, therapeutic AI and attempts to insert more empathy into the business and AI applications.
At the launch of the first edition, Heartificial Empathy won the Book Excellence Award 2019 in the Technology category and was a finalist for the Business Book Awards 2019. With the the need for empathy ever more important and with so many new initiatives happening around empathy and artificial intelligence, it felt necessary to update the text.
IN ADDITION, la version française est sortie au même moment: voir ici.

4.7 rating with > 50 reviews
Heartificial Empathy looks at why and how brands should learn to flex their empathic muscle, as well as how to encode empathy in Artificial Intelligence.
This book is for any business executive looking to accelerate his/her digital transformation, upgrade customer centricity, improve customer service, drive innovation or hike employee engagement. It explores specific business cases and the prominent ethical questions, all the while providing practical advice and concrete tips. It also contains loads of extra resources.
Heartfelt thanks!
Thanks for your interest and appreciate your spreading the word! You can follow @Heartificial on Twitter for regular tweets about empathy.

Dr. E with her superpower: understanding (Illustration by Joel Anderson Waithe)
[Scroll all the way down to view the exclusive content that is cited in the audiobook.]

Book Excellence Award 2019

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Praise for Heartificial Empathy:
“Minter Dial is onto something. Everyone talks about the need for empathy in business and society, but no one describes what that would look like. Dial takes a great first stab at envisioning a future in which deliberate empathy drives both business success and greater societal cohesion. A must-read for forward-thinking leaders everywhere.”
— MARTY NEUMEIER, author of Metaskills and The Brand Gap
“Empathy will be the key competitive advantage of the 21st Century. Dial captures the fullest essence of that one special quality that makes us truly human. Dial skillfully illustrates how we can industrialise meaningful solutions for human happiness.”
— NELL WATSON, AI & Robotics Faculty Singularity University, Co-Founder EthicsNet
“An enthralling and sweeping journey along the trajectory of empathy for leadership, society and the sciences.”
— MARIE R. MIYASHIRO, author, The Empathy Factor
“In Heartificial Empathy, Minter Dial masterfully makes the case for why empathy is not only teachable but a requirement for success in business and in life. By dissecting the elements of empathy, Dial has created the recipe book of how to embed and increase empathy in yourself, your organization, and in our machines.”
— CHARLENE LI, bestselling author and founder of Altimeter, a Prophet company
“In a tech-driven society, empathy is an increasingly rare and valuable skill. Minter Dial’s new book is a thought-provoking exploration of the role of empathy in the modern workplace, and how to nurture and sustain it.”
— DORIE CLARK, adjunct professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and author, Entrepreneurial You and Stand Ou
— JEREMY WAITE, chief strategy officer, IBM Watson customer engagement
“Minter Dial makes an urgent and compelling case for the need for that most human of traits – empathy – to be prioritised.”
— ROB MCCARGOW, director of Artificial Intelligence, PwC UK
“Up until now, we’ve seen technologists focus on the raw mechanics of what artificial intelligence can do. But what if we applied that computing expertise to the most powerful lever of customer loyalty and long-term profitability? Putting more empathy into our teams, tools, and processes can only result in vastly better experiences.”
— SCOTT MONTY, principal & founder, Scott Monty Strategies
“A must-read for business leaders and those in charge of AI initiatives.”
— JASON MILLER, Brand Marketing Lead, EMEA – Microsoft Advertising / Bing
“Just as AI is becoming smart enough to become our virtual friend, we are starting to question whether technology is even on our side. Computers now have access to all the data required to make important decisions on our behalf but they simply don’t care how those decisions affect our lives. Artificial empathy would allow a machine to understand not just the data but what’s going on in our minds. An autonomous ‘bot’ would have the ability to predict and interpret the joy or pain we might be experiencing. Given this insight, a device could relate to us in a much more caring and considerate way – like a brother or mother. Is this what we want? In his spellbinding new book, Minter Dial shares a treasure trove of ideas and academic insights that explain empathy and its impact on people and businesses. He explores machine-based empathy. How might that work? Could ethical frameworks be hardcoded into transactional, digital systems? What are the challenges, the opportunities and the limitations? This beautifully crafted work will open your mind to possibilities. You will learn about the future and the world that awaits. Armed with this knowledge, you stand a much better chance of shaping it to your advantage.”
— ROD BANNER, entrepreneur, investor, passionate founder of joytech.org
Check out other reviews:
Darcey Singleton on Quora
Mark Baer on Goodreads
Beatrice D on Amazon
Yannick on Amazon
Heartificial Empathy – Press & Podcasts

- ABC Australia Radio interview with Lisa Leong, along with Danielle Krettek Cobb (head of Google’s Empathy Labs) – “Empathy at work and artificial intelligence” (Mar)
- NicciTalbot Substack Sneak Peak review of Heartificial Empathy (removed) (Mar 2021)
- McKinsey Podcast with David DeLallo – Getting the Feels. Should AI have empathy (July 2020)
- Futureproof with Jeremy Goldman – Building empathy into the brands of the future (Mar 2020)
- CalvinAyre – Implementing automation and chatbots in gambling operations by Derek Tonin (Mar 2020)
- Duct Tape Marketing with John Jantsch – Here’s to Empathy in Business (April 2020)
- Analytics Insight – Artificial Empathy or Coding Empathy into Machines by Upasana Bharadwaj (Jan 2020)
- Forbes – Empathy in Artificial Intelligence by Jun Wu (Dec 2019)
- Raconteur – AI and trust: Why we shouldn’t blindly follow tech by Oliver Pickup (Dec 2019)
- You, Me, Empathy with Non Wels – Putting Heart into Business via Spotify (Dec 2019)
- The Digital Transformation Podcast with Rob Llewellyn – Artificial Intelligence and the Heartfelt Business of Empathy (Nov 2019)
- The Growth Hacking Show with Ed Rich – Heartificial Empathy (Oct 2019)
- INSEAD Knowledge – Five Everyday Exercises for Building Empathy (July 2019)
- Target Internet with Ciaran Rogers and Daniel Rowles – The Heartificial Empathy Interview (July 2019)
- Exclusive interview on Speaking.com: Empathy, AI & Leadership (June 2019)
- L’idée qui tue par Nicolas Bordas (en français) – Et si l’intelligence artificielle (nous) apprenait l’empathie (June 2019)
- Ideapod – To develop empathy – A most untapped lever of productivity and core to good conversation (June 2019)
- Practical Futurist with Andrew Grill – The future of AI and ethics (June 2019)
- Yak About Today with David Yakir – What is Empathy and Where has it Gone? (May 2019)
- FutureTech Podcast with Rich Jacobs – How Good Business Practice Can Make Us Better People—Minter Dial—Author of Heartificial Empathy: Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (May 2019)
- Superception with Christophe Lachnitt – Podcast episode 47 with Minter Dial, Author of Heartificial Empathy (May 2019)
- Marketing Today with Alan Hart – Author Minter Dial Always Seeking To ‘Elevate The Debate’
- Podcast with Mitch Joel on Six Pixels of Separation – Minter Dial and Heartificial Empathy (April 2019)
- On the Culture of Empathy with Edwin Rutsch (April 2019)
- Empathy and the future of AI with Patrick Mork on MadMork (April 1 2019)
- The Pull Agency Book review by Chris Bullick (March 2019)
- Total Business Magazine: The Ethical Entrepreneur – Top Ethical Tips for Starting an Ethical Business (Mar 2019)
- ByteStart – How Improving Empathy Can Help Grow Your Business (Mar 2019)
- MarketingProfs Podcast with Kerry Gorgone – How to put heart into your business (Mar 2019)
- Heartificial Empathy is the New Black with Kenneth Kinney on The Shark’s Perspective (Mar 2019)
- SXSW2019 – How to Put Empathy into Business and AI, at the Austin Convention Center (March 10, 2019)
- The Disruption of Empathy in Disruption Magazine Winter 2019 (pp 46-49).
- Heartificial Empathy book review by Simon Cocking @ Irish Tech News
- Speed Summary – Heartificial Empathy on Brand Genetics (Feb 2019)
- The Marketplace Podcast with Priest Willis (Feb 23 2019)
- RARE podcast interview with Adrian Swinscoe: What more empathy in business and artificial intelligence (AI) will look like (Feb 6 2019)
- Interview with Adam Brown on SocialPros podcast: How personal tragedy illuminated business empathy (Feb 6 2019)
- Podcast with BD Dalton at Grow, Sell & Retire (via Spreaker)
Photos with Heartificial Empathy
A selection of people who have caught themselves with Heartificial Empathy. Thanks for the ongoing support.
For the Audiobook (of the 2nd edition)
For those of you coming to this page from the audiobook of the second version, you’ll find all the figures, addenda and extra resources — that feature in Heartificial Empathy (2nd edition) — below. These are all password protected as they’re exclusive to the audiobook listeners.
- 22 Figures in Heartificial Empathy 2nd edition
- Heartificial Empathy 2nd edition Addenda
- 2nd edition Extra Resources
- 2nd edition End Notes
For the Audiobook (of the 1st edition)
For those of you coming to this page from the audiobook, you’ll find all the figures, addenda and extra resources — that feature in Heartificial Empathy (1st edition) — below. These are all password protected as they’re exclusive to the audiobook listeners.

To Book Minter
I'm Minter Dial and I serve my clients by elevating the debate and energy, telling powerful stories and connecting people and ideas. My mission is to insert more meaningfulness into our lives and at work. I relish being an engaging professional speaker on leadership, transformation and branding. I'm known for being someone who walks the talk and delivers on or above expectations. I'm the author of four award-winning books, including the second and significantly updated edition of my award-winning book, Heartificial Empathy (April 2023, available in English and French), You Lead published by Kogan Page (also available in French) that won the Business Book Award 2022, and Futureproof (FT-Press/Pearson) that won the Business Book Award 2018 and is also available in four languages. I'm also the producer of the award-winning WWII book and documentary film, The Last Ring Home.
My new project is Dialogos, Fostering More Meaningful Conversations that was published weekly over 79 weeks via Substack, which will be converted into a book in 2024.