
In a podcast interview I recently pre-recorded with Marie Miyashiro, one of the premier experts on empathy and author of The Empathy Factor, I was blessed with one of those a-ha! moments. In point of fact, my  conversation with Marie made me aware of another important reason why we all need to have more empathy. #Empathy is at the heart of great conversation. Share on X And it’s especially true when trying to confront ideas in a civil manner. Rather than consider empathy as a way to “give in” to the other side or, more maliciously, to manipulate the other, empathy opens the way to understanding the other’s point of view. Thus, empathy gives us all the superpower to build bridges.

#Empathy gives us all the superpower to build bridges. @art_empathy Share on X

In our chronically divisive society, I would argue that decent and civil conversation is the most significant need we could have. Conversation, where we’re able to listen to and exchange with one another, will be so vitally important to repair our society. Moreover, by infusing more empathy into our lives, we will become more authentic. As Marie says, “it’s about being real.”

***If you like my writing and are interested in fostering more meaningful conversations in our society, please check out my Dialogos Substack. This newsletter will feature articles on why and how we can all improve our conversations, whether it’s at home, with friends, in society at large or at work. Subscription is free, but if you see value in it, you are welcome to contribute both materially and through your comments. Sign up here:

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