Minter Dialogue with Adrian Swinscoe

This interview is with Adrian Swinscoe, expert in the customer experience, author of Pearson-published How to Wow, 68 Effortless Ways to Make Every Customer Experience Amazing, a frequent Forbes contributor all the while running Rare Business, focused on helping companies to improve their customer service and experience. In this conversation, we look at some of the key levers of driving the customer experience, the opportunities for automatisation, the role of the employee experience and how to set expectations and stir emotions.

Below, you’ll find the show notes and, of course, you are invited to comment. If you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to iTunes to rate the podcast.

'The clue to a great customer experience doesn’t always lie in the other supertankers around you.' @adrianswinscoe Share on X

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Meanwhile, you can find my other interviews on the Minter Dialogue Radio Show on Megaphone or via iTunes. Please don’t be shy about rating this podcast on iTunes here! And for the francophones reading this, if you want to get more podcasts, you can also find my radio show en français over at:, on Megaphone or in iTunes.

Music credit: The jingle at the beginning of the show is courtesy of my friend, Pierre Journel, author of the Guitar Channel. And, the new sign off music is “Finger Paint,” written and performed by Josh Saxe, produced by Chase Geiser. Here’s a link on iTunes. I invite you to take a spin on Pierre’s podcast or listen to more of Josh’s music!

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