Minter Dialogue with Adrian Swinscoe

Adrian Swinscoe is a speaker, author and a renowned expert on customer experience. After his book “How to Wow,” Adrian has just penned, Punk CX, edited by Oisin Lunny. It’s a tremendous read for anyone interested in making waves and shaking things up for success. You’ll see how form marries the content, too. In this conversation, we look at some of the key points of the book Punk CX, why and how to deliver a punk attitude in business, and how to create a much stronger customer experience.

Please send me your questions — as an audio file if you’d like — to Otherwise, below, you’ll find the show notes and, of course, you are invited to comment. If you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to iTunes to rate it.

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Meanwhile, you can find my other interviews on the Minter Dialogue Radio Show in this podcast tab, on Megaphone or via iTunes. Please don’t be shy about rating this podcast on iTunes here!

Music credit: The jingle at the beginning of the show is courtesy of my friend, Pierre Journel, author of the Guitar Channel. And, the new sign-off music is “A Convinced Man,” a song I co-wrote with Stephanie Singer back in the late 1980s.

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