Being social is key to winning the social media game

The first week of “beta” testing of the new Google+ social network is nearly finished and the debate is raging as to whether Google+ will succeed. On the heels of a few interesting conversations and reading up on some posts, I can see that there is a generally positive welcome for the Google+ platform itself. Clearly, there are some improvements to be made which, with good listening skills, Google will figure out, I have no doubt.

Naysayers abound

The naysayers talk mostly about the fact that Google is too late to the game.   The key will be whether or not Google manages to gain the necessary critical mass.  There are also those that point to the prior flops of Google Buzz and Wave. Below, however, is the most damning proof that I have found to say that Google does not have the social fibre that it takes.  If a picture says a thousand words, I think this captures it all–especially when there are 1000’s of friends concerned!

A social snapshot that says so much

In this screen shot taken from SocialStatistics this morning (10a.m. Paris time), you can find the top people on Google’s new Google+ social media network.  There are several stunning thoughts behind this.

  • Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of your biggest competitor (Facebook) is number 1 in terms of number of followers.  Talk about walking the talk and operating in real time.*
  • Current CEO (and co-founder) Larry Page is #2, some 30% behind in number of followers.
  • Coming at #4 in the all-time list is Vic Gundotra, a Google engineer.
  • The icing on the cake: all three Googlers have not allowed themselves to friend someone else.  ZERO friends.

Yikes.  Talk about setting a social example.  Where is the Google community manager?

*How cute: MZ has 69 friends.  Another social message?

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