I cogitate and agitate much about our (at least my own) relationship with time. One of my all-time favourite books is “The Art of Time” by Jean-Louis Servan–Schreiber. I came up with an epithet that tends to summarize my (rather Anglo-Saxon) concept of punctuality:
“Being on time,
Clear in mind”
Respect in kind”
I would probably characterize this as a rather rational relationship with time. There is a sense of anticipation that accompanies each activity I undertake [typically only for business and possibly sporting events] — concerning the time to travel including potential hiccoughs, time to say hello and settle down, time to discuss, time to wrap up, etc. For many, it is simply too cut & dry.
Of course, the Latin relationship with time is quite different. And, in attempts to come to grips with the reputation of the lat(e) in Latin, I might suggest that the CHOICE of being late reflects perhaps another priority. Such rationalisations may include:
– give each discussion (at hand) the fullest time needed
– take the time to live each moment to its fullest
Material for a debate? Naturally, the disconnects will continue. Learning to be flexible is indispensable. Keeps the mind and body on edge, if not in flux.
On a tangent, but to keep the content bilingual, here is an interesting quote about Nicolas Sarkozy’s relationship with time: Yasmina Rewa writes in her book on Sarkozy’s campaign, “L’Aube, le soir ou la nuit” that Sarkozy ‘est un homme dont la relation au temps est celle d’une inquietude perpetuelle, invariablement projetté vers l’après, le lendemain.’ Translates roughly: “Sarkozy is a man whose relationship with time is that of a perpetual worrying, completely projected toward the future, tomorrow.” See a French blog on the book at politique.net.
Mon sentiment concernant Sarkozy est que son inquiétude est plutôt portée vers l’avenir que précisément sur la notion de temps ( au sens horaire et ponctualité ).
Il semble incarner le déséquilibre avant : celui qui n’est jamais vraiment dans l’instant et encore moins dans le passé.
Même s’il parle presque toujours au présent, même quand il aborde les sujets futurs.