Emotional Food Rau NaplesRaù, a trendy ‘Mediterranean’ restaurant in the heart of Naples, boasts a fairly novel concept: “Emotional Food.” While we did not get a chance to try the place and experience the food, I was struck by how ‘on trend’ the concept was and thought it worth sharing. I found a few snapshots of Rau food taken by others; however, they don’t overflow with emotion, per se. That said, I am sure that the concept could be rendered true in the right hands… Here is a writeup on QYPE.

If you are ever in Naples, here is the address to go and report back on!

Starter Emotional Food Rau

Raù Emotional Food, Vc. Satriano 8/C, Chiaia, 80121 Napoli, Tel +39-81-245-5057

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